FastAPI: Task got Future attached to a different loop

This error is caused by creating an asyncio synchronization primitive such as an asyncio.Event before starting your asyncio loop, then using that primitive in the loop. To fix this, create the primitives you need to use from within the loop.

This error was discovered when creating our real-time chat app example. In order to make the app real-time, we used GraphQL subscriptions, and created an asyncio.Event on which to wait for updates.

Let’s look at the code that caused the error.


Below is what the file that contained the GraphQL schema looked like prior to fixing it:

from uuid import uuid4
import typing
import asyncio

import strawberry

class User:
    uuid: strawberry.Private[str]
    name: str

class Message:
    sender: User
    text: str

class Room:
    updated: strawberry.Private[asyncio.Event] = asyncio.Event()
    name: str = "Example Chat"
    users: typing.List[User]
    messages: typing.List[Message]

    def get_user_by_uuid(self, uuid):
        return next(user for user in self.users if user.uuid == uuid)

    def add_user(self, name):
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        room.users.append(User(name=name, uuid=uuid))
        return uuid

    def add_message(self, uuid, text):
        return self

    async def wait_for_update(self):
        await self.updated.wait()

room = Room(users=[], messages=[])

class Query:
    async def get_room() -> Room:
        return room

class Subscription:
    async def room() -> typing.AsyncGenerator[Room, None]:
        while True:
            yield await Query.get_room()
            await room.wait_for_update()

class Mutation:
    async def join(name: str) -> str:
        return room.add_user(name)

    async def send_message(uuid: str, text: str) -> Room:
        return room.add_message(uuid, text)

Everything looked correct, but when running this app, we got the following error:

INFO:     ('', 50034) - "WebSocket /graphql" [accepted]
INFO:     connection open
Task <Task pending name='Task-23' coro=<<async_generator_asend without __name__>()> cb=[_wait.<locals>._on_completion() at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/]> got Future <Future pending> attached to a different loop
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/strawberry/subscriptions/protocols/graphql_ws/", line 164, in handle_async_results
    async for result in result_source:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/graphql/execution/", line 59, in __anext__
    raise error
  File "/opt/container/", line 58, in room
    await room.wait_for_update()
  File "/opt/container/", line 42, in wait_for_update
    await self.updated.wait()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 226, in wait
    await fut
RuntimeError: Task <Task pending name='Task-23' coro=<<async_generator_asend without __name__>()> cb=[_wait.<locals>._on_completion() at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/]> got Future <Future pending> attached to a different loop

It took a while, but we discovered the issue was the following:

    sender: User
    text: str

class Room:
    updated: strawberry.Private[asyncio.Event] = asyncio.Event()
    name: str = "Example Chat"
    users: typing.List[User]
    messages: typing.List[Message]

    def get_user_by_uuid(self, uuid):
        return next(user for user in self.users if user.uuid == uuid)

    def add_user(self, name):
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        room.users.append(User(name=name, uuid=uuid))
        return uuid

    def add_message(self, uuid, text):
        return self

    async def wait_for_update(self):
        await self.updated.wait()

room = Room(users=[], messages=[])

As you can see, we create the room global object right in the root indentation level of the file. That means, before the asyncio loop is ever started, room already exists along with the event that is created by default when the object is instantiated.

This is a problem, because that asyncio.Event isn’t associated with the loop that the FastAPI app then runs in.


Below is how we fixed it:

class Room:
    updated: strawberry.Private[typing.Optional[asyncio.Event]] = None
    name: str = "Example Chat"
    users: typing.List[User]
    messages: typing.List[Message]

    def get_user_by_uuid(self, uuid):
        return next(user for user in self.users if user.uuid == uuid)

    def add_user(self, name):
        uuid = str(uuid4())
        room.users.append(User(name=name, uuid=uuid))
        return uuid

    def add_message(self, uuid, text):
        return self

    async def wait_for_update(self):
        if self.updated is None:
            self.updated = asyncio.Event()
        await self.updated.wait()

room = Room(users=[], messages=[])

Instead of instantiating the asyncio.Event object when the Room object is instantiated (which would be when the file is first interpreted -long before the asyncio loop has had a chance to start), we check when we want to wait on it if it doesn’t exist yet. If not, we create it there. This works because wait_for_update is only ever called from inside the asyncio loop.


In summary, asyncio primitives must be created only from within the asyncio loop you intend to use them. If you don’t, they’ll be associated with a different context, or none at all as was the case above.

Hope that helps.